5 Warning Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a disease. Much like any other disease, there are warning signs and symptoms that go along with substance abuse and addiction. 

If you fear that a friend, family member, or loved one may be struggling with drug or alcohol use in Anaheim, CA, being able to spot the possible warning signs of addiction can go a long way in helping them get the help and addiction treatment that they need.

Addiction is a disease. Much like any other disease, there are warning signs and symptoms that go along with substance abuse and addiction. 

If you fear that a friend, family member, or loved one may be struggling with drug or alcohol use in Anaheim, CA, being able to spot the possible warning signs of addiction can go a long way in helping them get the help and addiction treatment that they need.

Oftentimes, as a result of addiction, the person suffering becomes obsessed with their addiction. Their time is spent either using, thinking about using or getting their next fix. As a result, they may neglect their relationships which can lead to lifelong friendships and intimate relationships suffering to the point of possible disrepair. 

Know the Warning Signs of Addiction

Being able to spot the potential warning signs of addiction early on can help get you or a loved one the help that they need before it is too late. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse or addiction in Anaheim or throughout California, and are in need of treatment, look no further than Restorations Health Care. 

We are a drug and alcohol inpatient detox and residential addiction treatment center serving Anaheim and the greater Southern California area. For more information on the treatment options and treatment programs that we offer, call us at 877-578-0708, fill out a contact form on our website, or speak to one of our live chat representatives.

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